The Skeletal Muscle Relaxer Cyclobenzaprine Is a Potent Non-Competitive Antagonist of Histamine H1 Receptors

The Skeletal Muscle Relaxer Cyclobenzaprine Is a Potent Non-Competitive Antagonist of Histamine H1 Receptors

It can give you relief but when used in excess, it can cause trouble. Clients with severe addictions may need more intensive aftercare treatment, such as medication maintenance, routine drug testing, or a period of residence in a sober living community after rehab. Non-pharmacologic pain management approaches may also supplement any solid aftercare strategy for those who began abusing Flexeril in association with injury or chronic pain. Medically supervised detox is often a first course of treatment for addicted people who are at risk of experiencing troublesome withdrawal symptoms.

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Danger: Don’t mix these 8 meds with coffee.

Posted: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It is also possible for serious cyclobenzaprine side effects to occur, like seizures, heart arrhythmias, heart attack, or stroke. These are more likely to occur when a person has too much cyclobenzaprine in their system, for instance, if their prescription dose is too high or if they are misusing the drug. Cyclobenzaprine is a drug prescribed to treat pain and discomfort. This page will go over its side effects, drug interactions, and treatment for misuse. Using the correct language to speak about addiction treatment can make those around you in treatment and recovery more comfortable and help to destigmatize substance use disorder.


Flexeril is a muscle relaxant, often used to help with pain, but is less addictive than other painkillers on the market. Cyclobenzaprine, the active compound in Flexeril, is found in different products in various formulations. what’s the side effects of flexeril The drug is addictive when used for chronic pain support because it does help to inhibit pain, but people will develop tolerance over time. Some people try Flexeril for the high they get and become addicted to that feeling.

  • To find out how this drug might interact with something else you’re taking, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Just because cyclobenzaprine isn’t an opioid though doesn’t mean it hasn’t become a substance of abuse.
  • It is not as widely abused as many other drugs but the potential for abuse is there since it is available at a very low cost.
  • These are more likely to occur when a person has too much cyclobenzaprine in their system, for instance, if their prescription dose is too high or if they are misusing the drug.

Patients can continue to work, go to school, and fulfill other responsibilities while still making a commitment to their recovery. If you are worried about having Flexeril withdrawal symptoms, it is highly recommended that you visit an addiction detox center when going off this medication. Many people talk about whether this medication can be abused or not. The truth is since it can alter your state of mind, there is potential for it to be abused. Abuse of this medication can cause you to feel extremely relaxed or sedated. While it isn’t a narcotic, it is dangerous when you abuse it alone or along with different drugs.

Will Flexeril Show Up on a Drug Test?

You may be skeptical about the possibility of a cyclobenzaprine high. One report found that some people were engaging in cyclobenzaprine recreational use, in combination with illicit drugs, in an attempt to experience psychoactive effects. The cyclobenzaprine high users may experience when taking dosages that exceed their prescription can result in feelings of sedation, relaxation or euphoria. These reactions can occur in individuals who either take the drug orally or snort it (ingest it intranasally). The recreational use of cyclobenzaprine to achieve a “high” can lead to both physical and psychological dependence.

Prescription doses of Flexeril will generally be in the 5 – 10 mg range, but recreational doses will likely exceed this and land in the 20 – 80 mg range. According to the DEA, most instances of Flexeril abuse occur when the user mixes the substance with another CNS depressant such as alcohol, barbiturates, benzos, or opioids. It takes a large dosage to overdose on Flexeril, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Given the symptoms of a cyclobenzaprine high, you may be tempted to ask the question, “is Flexeril an opioid or is cyclobenzaprine a muscle relaxer of a different sort? Many people believe that Flexeril is a narcotic similar to other painkillers like OxyContin, Fentanyl, or Vicodin based on how it makes you feel alone. However, the truth is cyclobenzaprine belongs to a separate class of chemicals known as a muscle relaxant. Rather than activating opioid receptors like other prescription painkillers, Flexeril instead blocks certain nerve impulses that are sent to the brain. Just because cyclobenzaprine isn’t an opioid though doesn’t mean it hasn’t become a substance of abuse. Yes, you can overdose on Flexeril — including cyclobenzaprine 10 mg dose.

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Posted: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 16:50:58 GMT [source]

Liver damage can also result in jaundice, or bile can be diverted from the liver into the intestines. Similar to chronic alcohol use, Flexeril abuse can cause permanent and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver and other vital organs. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately.

It can cause a significant blood pressure drop, seizures, or cardiac arrest. It can also cause depression of the central nervous system as well. The immediate effects of cyclobenzaprine typically last from 4 to 6 hours after oral consumption of the medication. However, cyclobenzaprine, even the immediate-release formulation, has a half-life of 18 hours. Extended-release forms of the drug remain in your system for up to 37 hours.

Flexeril is typically prescribed to treat pain from some injury and works by blocking pain sensations in the central nervous system. In 2011, more than 25 million prescriptions containing cyclobenzaprine were given out in the United States. Here we look at the factors contributing to the addictive nature of cyclobenzaprine, common withdrawal symptoms, and how to access addiction treatment. It’s essential to approach cyclobenzaprine and similar medications with caution, adhering strictly to prescribed dosages and guidelines provided by a medical professional.

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